Nutritional nuts are a nutritious natural food source, which has a health-promoting effect, especially during the current Covid-19 epidemic season.
High in fiber, healthy fats, vegetable protein and low in sugar, and also a good source of manganese, magnesium and copper – minerals that help improve overall health. Cashews contain active antioxidants, especially carotenoids and polyphenols, which help reduce inflammation and prevent the risk of developing many dangerous diseases. Cashews also help balance blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.
Being one of those nuts that is not only rich in unsaturated fats and calcium, but also high in vitamin E and magnesium. Just eating a few almonds a day will reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the type of cholesterol that is bad for heart health. It is advisable to give preference to seeds with the skin on, because the skin of almonds contains flavonoid compounds – a compound that helps protect the heart.
Sweet and fragrant, it is a very popular snack. Chestnuts contain many nutrients such as sugar, protein, fat, vitamin B6, potassium, antioxidants. Chestnuts are mild, tonic for the kidneys and stomach, and strengthen muscles. Studies show that chestnuts have the ability to reduce blood pressure and bad cholesterol in the blood.
Macadamia nuts.
Helps keep the heart healthy, control blood sugar and improve digestion. Flavonoids and tocotrienols are antioxidants found in macadamia nuts, which help limit the risk of developing many diseases. The soluble fiber content that macadamia nuts provide helps increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Eating macadamia nuts daily helps reduce the risk of cancer, promote brain health and prolong life.
Lotus seeds.
It has sedative properties, tonifies the kidneys, especially treats diarrhea. For people with cough, asthma, lotus seeds will help to nourish the lungs, warm the lungs, and improve resistance. In addition to lotus seed porridge, red apple lotus seed soup, lotus seed ginseng soup, lotus seeds can make heat-clearing tea, cook tea or soak in wine to help nourish the kidneys and yang.