
Online seminar “Organic agricultural production associated with environmental protection”


According to a report by the General Statistics Office, in the first nine months of 2021, the agricultural sector contributed […]

According to a report by the General Statistics Office, in the first nine months of 2021, the agricultural sector contributed up to 23.5% to the overall growth of the economy. Along with the development of the agricultural industry, the pollution of the agricultural environment is also becoming more and more serious. Therefore, the implementation of organic farming methods is considered the optimal solution not only to create safe agricultural products with high nutritional value, but also bring many benefits to human health. people, contribute to environmental protection and ensure the development of a sustainable agriculture.

Despite bringing positive benefits, organic farming still has many difficulties and challenges ahead. The reason is that the organic agricultural production process is demanding, production costs are high, and the consumption market is not stable. On the other hand, the standard system as well as the legal framework for the production, certification and quality monitoring of organic agricultural products is not yet complete; control of chemical residues as well as transparency of origin and origin is also a problem that causes many organic products to lose credibility in the market; The development of product chains, building and promoting brands is still limited…

To strengthen communication about the benefits and potentials of organic agriculture; disseminating information on supporting policies and production linkage models; In the afternoon of November 3, 2021, the National Center for Agricultural Extension in collaboration with the Rural Newspaper today held an online seminar “Organic agricultural production associated with environmental protection”.

Guests attending the seminar were Mr. Nguyen Nhu Cuong – Director of the Department of Crop Production, Mr. Hoang Van Hong – Deputy Director of the National Center for Agricultural Extension, Mr. Khac Ngoc Ba – Deputy General Director of Guilin Group.

Through the seminar, the guests discussed to give an overview of organic agriculture, opportunities, challenges and solutions to promote organic agricultural production. Thereby creating motivation for farmers to actively apply organic agricultural models to production.

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