
Organic Star Anise Harvest Season


The model of developing organic agricultural plantations to ensure safety for users along with environmental protection purposes is a significantly […]

The model of developing organic agricultural plantations to ensure safety for users along with environmental protection purposes is a significantly growing trend worldwide. In recent years, our country has experimented with this modern farming method to develop more sustainable agriculture. One of the first successful examples among the plants selected for the process was Organic Star anise.

Farmers in northern Vietnam and southern China have long grown anise and their fruit has become a secret ingredient in our special dishes. With the new organic farming method, Star Anise is grown in non-synthetic agrochemical conditions and only uses natural resources and materials, which will support biodiversity & environmental protection.

Fresh organic star anise

Growing organic star anise trees

Farmers propagate Star Anise trees from seeds from fruits collected during the autumn harvest season between the beginning of August to the end of September. Farmers select these fruits from 15 -20 years old trees, which are fruitful & have strong resistance to pests and diseases. The collected fruits need to be spread in a thin layer in shady, cool places for about 4-5 days. After that, farmers will quickly take high-quality seeds from the fruits.

Star Anise seeds contain fatty oils and will lose germination very quickly. Thus farmers will try to sow them as soon as possible or store them in moist sand conditions. The longer the storage time, the lower the germination rate.

Usually, the best condition for organic Star anise trees to grow in places with altitudes from 200-300-400-600m, average annual temperature between 18-22 degrees Celsius, and total yearly rainfall (1,000-)1,400-1,600 (2,800) mm.

Star anise is a light-loving plant. However, its baby trees need to be grown in shaded areas. In the first stage, the tree overgrows in height (can reach 1.5-2.0 m/year). 5-6 years old trees can be up to 10m tall. Plants grown from seeds start to have fruit at five years old.

There are two harvest seasons of Organic Star anise per year. The primary season (also known as the spring crop) is from February to May, and the second crop (autumn season) is from July to September.

organic star anise plantation

How farmers harvest organic star anise

When harvest season comes, local farmers will prepare tools for picking, including canvas and jute bags. A harvest day will begin at 6 am. First, the farmers choose a tree, then climb up to select each ripens. It is necessary to pick it carefully and not to affect the leaves and flowers. Afterward, harvesters will put Star anise fruits in a cloth bag that farmers wear on their backs. When the bag is full, gently drop it on the ground using a string.

Only farmers with solid experience can participate in this harvesting process because of its dangers. In recent years, to enhance safety for harvest activity, farmers tried to create safety ladders and upgrade modern harvest cloth tubes to protect the harvesters and make the process easier.

A farmer can collect around 10kg of fresh organic Star Anise Fruit daily. If it’s raining, it would be impossible for harvesting activity. Harvest seasons that have a remarkable increase in rainy days will negatively affect the next crop. Because if farmers can’t pick the fruit in time, the development of flowers will affect.

Handling and preserving

Once harvested, farmers will boil Organic Star aniseed in water or incubate so that the aniseed fruit will ripen slightly, helping the wings strong, not broken with beautiful color.

After that, the fruit will be dry in a sunny area. If the temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius, five days is enough for the organic Star Anise to reach humidity of 13-15%. After that, they will be packed & transport to the Visimex factory.

For visualize information, visit our video about organic star anise: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIo_D4hjei0

To support the farmers and encourage the organic Star anise production model in Vietnam, Visimex Corp strongly invested in developing organic plantations in Lang Son province. This area has a suitable climate for Star Anise tree development.

Our organic products meet international standards such as USDA, EU Organic, and Naturland,….


As a company specializing in providing high-quality spices, Visimex helps people consume organic anise products but also helps to increase the value of Vietnam’s agricultural products in the world food market. For more information, please visit: https://visimex.com/product-category/star-anise/

dry and fresh organic star anise

Visimex promises to provide customers with the best quality products according to a single principle: Customers Satisfaction is our passion.